Sunday, April 3, 2011

French Fly Breeches complete!

Tonight I just finished the French Fly breeches for a client of mine. I used the pattern from . It was a pretty simple pattern except for the pockets - the pattern I had used before was a mainstream one and didn't have the pockets, so the natural construction tripped me out completely for a bit, but I figured it out. Very interesting way of having pockets back then.

Didn't have to change much except for the fact that he wanted them changed into full-length pants instead of knee-length breeches. A little nerve-racking making sure they were long enough when I was cutting the fabric, but they came out perfect.

BTW - Out of the few gold buttons that I found appropriate, my client chose some really cool faux gold coins with the motto "Ludovicus Rex plures non capit orbis." I Googled the meaning of this and found out it means, "There is no room in the world for more than one King Ludwig." I didn't even notice in the picture on eBay that there was writing on them, never mind Latin! Found out these are remakes of Bavarian military buttons. The picture on it is his coat of arms. You can find out more about him at .

Meh, even though it's not from the appropriate period, I still think these buttons are pretty cool, and the fact that they look like coins is even better. After all, why wouldn't a fancy pirate want to show off his wealth?

Glad the project is over, and I can focus on the matching frock coat that's been giving me hell lately.

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